春天正式来临, but unfortunately fragrant blooms and bees aren’t the only things in the air. 没错,现在是过敏季节. 但是今年,……
Discover the latest eco-conscious and sustainable home cleaning tips, along with updates from ECOS’ lineup of home cleaning products here on our blog.
Did you know that the air you breathe within the comfort of your own home has a profound impact on your well-being? 这是真的!…
阅读更多作为一个尽责的消费者, it’s important to be aware of the potential toxins lurking in your everyday household cleaners, 所以你可以做出更聪明的…
阅读更多We understand the importance of creating a safe environment for you and your loved ones without breaking the bank. 而购买有机食品……
阅读更多Perhaps you enhance your baths with sparkling, multicolored bath bombs and scented salts. 或者你更喜欢简单地泡在热气腾腾的热水里. No matter your method, a bathtub can be a welcome haven after a long day. 但当你洗浴缸的时候, the method you use can make a sizable difference for the health of our planet.
阅读更多有些事情就像发条一样. 就像我们每天下午需要打个盹一样, 午夜想吃咸点心, 还有你迫不及待想听的每周播客节目. 说到保持浴室清洁, 然而, there’s no built-in timer to tell you when or how often it needs a solid shine.
阅读更多想象一下——你的厕所干净得闪闪发光. 是的,那瓷宝座像以前一样锃亮,一尘不染. 最棒的是, you managed to achieve this gorgeous state of cleanliness with methods and products that don’t contaminate our planet.
阅读更多Have you ever taken a second to stand in a perfectly clean bathroom and admire the shine reflecting off the surfaces?
阅读更多如果你有幸拥有一台洗碗机的话, you might know what a life-saver it is when it comes to getting your dishes done quickly and easily. Even the fastest hand washers can’t compete with the blissful ease of sitting back and letting a machine do the work for you.
阅读更多比起手洗碗的苦差事, 我们家的洗碗机有时看起来很瘦, 的意思是, 清洗机. But in an age when most of us are re-examining how our choices affect the health of the environment, 你可能想知道你的洗碗机是否也是绿色的.
阅读更多把一次性水瓶换成时髦的可重复使用的水瓶. Tossing your old coffee grounds and banana peels into a compost bin instead of the trash. 选择公共交通而不是独自乘车去上班, there are so many small ways every day we can support the wellness of our planet.
阅读更多If there’s one place you can be your messiest self, it’s your home. 我们说的是深夜纸杯蛋糕杰作, 浴室染发剂实验, and post-snowball-fight hot chocolate sipped by the stove (and the floor, 还有沙发)
阅读更多Studies show that keeping your home clean can make you feel better in just about every way—you sleep more soundly, 你更有可能保持身体健康, 降低皮质醇(又名液体焦虑).
阅读更多洗碗工为我们做了很多事. 它们能瞬间把我们的盘子洗干净, 把婴儿的牙齿擦亮, 最重要的是, save our hands from a lot of scrubbing when all we want to do is sink into the couch and relax
阅读更多It’s impossible to understate how much a deliciously warm shower can improve your day. 淋浴有助于清除一天的汗水和污垢, 舒缓疲劳的肌肉, 让我们在漫长的一天后平静下来.
阅读更多而大多数污渍都是洗出来的, you might not know how to get oil and grease stains out of your clothes. These unfortunate stains can turn your favorite outfit into an unwearable mess.
阅读更多从亮蓝色到宝红色, colorful clothes can be a great way to display your personality, 无论你是去上班还是去城里过夜. 当然, 所有的磨损都伴随着洗涤, and knowing how to wash colored clothes is just as important as knowing how to wash white clothes.
阅读更多那件经典的清爽t恤. 那件别致的冬季针织衫. 那些牛仔裤. 你知道这一对. 那些明亮的, 紧, brilliant white jeans that once made your backyard barbecue feel like a sunset in Mykonos. There’s a reason why our white clothes make such essential pieces. They keep us looking sharp all year long and they go well with everything.
阅读更多Sometimes our days require quick thinking and a change of clothes—or three. First, you have morning yoga, then work, then lunch and an afternoon coffee run. 即使在那之后, 足球训练还要停一站, 和你父母共进晚餐, and a late-night Target run before you finally get to slip on your pajamas and slide into your long-awaited sheets.
阅读更多我们都有过这样的经历. That moment you go to look at a bottle’s ingredient label and find a list of words you can’t pronounce, 更不用说识别了. Sometimes it feels like you need a PhD in chemistry just to understand what’s safe or unsafe for your home. 虽然我们不能给你更高的学位, we can promise to be as transparent and open as possible about what we put in our ECOS products. 与许多传统的清洁剂不同,我们列出了所有的成分. And if that’s not enough, we also list all the ingredients we promise to never use, AKA “它们.
阅读更多The reality is, when it comes to carcinogens, there’s no way to avoid them ALL. Instead, it’s about finding balance and living a cleaner lifestyle where you can. Luckily, your home is a place where reducing carcinogens is easily within your control. So don’t feel alarmed, and let’s go through some super simple ways to do just that.
阅读更多洗盘子. It’s something you probably haven’t spent much time thinking about, 但这几乎是每个家庭每天都要做的家务. It starts with a squeeze of dish soap, a few swishes of the sponge, followed by a water rinse. 但是你一直用的传统洗洁精? 洗不掉的. 事实上, it leaves toxic chemical residues behind on your dishes and glasses that pose significant health hazards over the long-term.
阅读更多We wear our largest organ – about 20 feet of it – on the outside of our body. 我们的皮肤. It has the important job of being the first line of defense from germs and toxic substances – like the skin-irritating chemical residues of conventional laundry detergents. 如果你的皮肤反应是发痒和刺激, it’s time to take a closer look at your detergent’s ingredients.
阅读更多随着COVID-19继续占据头条新闻, 保持我们的家园清洁和无病毒仍然是首要任务. But, does all the spraying, scrubbing, and disinfecting come at a cost to our health? The truth is – yes – all that deep cleaning can spread some nasty chemicals into the air of your home.